Giles Weisenberger


I’ll help you find the home you’ve always wanted.

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We have all the information you need to choose where you'd like to settle.


Closing the Deal


We make it as easy for first-time home buyers as it is for those with past experience.


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Let’s face it. Choosing the right home for your family is one of your most important decisions.




We pair competitive rates and programs with fantastic escrow services. 


Bringing excellence to the home buying experience.


I pride myself in helping every family find a home that perfectly fits their needs. I want to make my hometown your hometown. Call me today at 915-491-5588 to find your perfect home!


 The Texas Real Estate License Act requires that all real estate License Holders provide Information about Brokerage Services to all Sellers, Buyers, Tenants, and Landlords. To review this information please 

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